I recently got a PowerA mga XP5-X plus controller to use for remote gaming. View Entire Discussion (8 … Connect PlayStation 4 controller to PC using Micro-USB cable.

You have the options/alternatives to use Parsec or Moonlight instead.

This book introduces networked embedded systems, smart sensors, and wireless sensor networks, with a strong focus on architecture, applications, networks and distributed systems support for wireless sensor networks. With Parsec, it’s a cinch to start playing with your friends online. inside you can open the dopphin.ini file with notepad. By emulating a Xbox 360 controller, many more games are accessible.
For the controls in games I had to install sudo apt-get install steam-devices on the host before it worked. On the Ryujinx home screen, enter the Options → Settings menu and change the various settings as follows: " Input " tab. As always your support is more than appreciated! Supported on Mac and Windows servers only. While Parsec itself does not have an easy feature that lets you change the controller position, you can still do it with either method below. You can turn off all guest and host controllers, then reconnect them in the order you want them to be in, such that the game recognizes controllers in a different order. Click on Pad 2 and allow the second player to map their controller.